Providing an outstandinglevel of health care forour animal patients.

Dr. Lara Cusack

I completed my Bachelor of Science at UPEI and my DVM at the Atlantic Veterinary College. I then pursued additional clinical training through two specialty internships in Zoological Medicine (Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon and St. Matthew’s Veterinary School on Grand Cayman) and a three-year Zoological Medicine Residency (University of Georgia and the Georgia Aquarium). I am a Diplomate of the American College of Zoological Medicine and have worked in multiple clinical settings. Past experiences include zoo and aquatic animal medicine, companion animal and exotic pet practice, wildlife rehabilitation, large scale animal welfare investigations, and working as lead veterinarian for several international endangered species projects.

As a board-certified specialist in Zoological Medicine, I offer advanced care to zoo animals, companion exotic animals, and wildlife species. I teach pre-clinical and senior level veterinary students, as well as graduate veterinarians specializing in Zoological Medicine. I also work in an advisory capacity for external wildlife agencies and not-for- profit organizations on topics related to zoo, exotic animal, and wildlife medicine. My professional interests include advances in zoo, companion exotic, and wild animal health and welfare; endangered species and conservation medicine; and exotic animal pain management. My current research focuses include free-ranging wildlife health assessments.

When not finding a stray or wild animal to assist, I enjoy running, hiking, yoga, and all things outdoors (particularly in the sun and with my rescue pup!).

About us

The AVC-VTH is passionate about its goal to provide an outstanding level of health care for its animal patients while also providing clinical teaching and instruction to our senior (final year) Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students, interns and residents.[more]

Clinic hours

The AVC Veterinary Teaching Hospital operates 8 AM to 10 PM 7-365. Our front desk is staffed from 8am until 11pm 7 days a week. Clients can call to make appointments, request prescription refills, or to make other general inquiries during those hours. Appointments for Community Practice and Specialty Services are scheduled from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm based on service availability. Clients with animal emergencies can call between 8 AM and 10 PM-7-365.

AVC Urgent & Emergency Primary Care
8am-10pm Mon-Sun

If you are a small animal pet owner experiencing an emergency, please call 902-566-0950 or our primary Emergency Service. If you are a registered large animal client of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (including Farm Service and Ambulatory Equine Service clients) and are experiencing an emergency, please call 902-566-0950 and our team will contact the appropriate on-call large animal clinician.

To make an appointment

AVC Small Animal Hospital
Companion animals, exotic animals, pocket pets, wildlife

AVC Large Animal Hospital
Horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, and other farm animals

AVC Ambulatory Equine Services
On-farm and racetrack care for horses

AVC Farm Service
Herd health, on-farm and emergency service for cattle, pigs, fish and other farm animals